What is Fibroadenoma?

A fibroadenoma is a very common benign breast lump and is not cancer.

The most common symptom is a lump in the breast which usually moves when you touch it. Some fibroadenomas are too small to be felt, but some are easily palpable. Fibroadenomas tend to be round with clear-cut borders. You can move them under the skin and they’re usually firm or rubbery. A woman can have one or many fibroadenomas. For most women, having a fibroadenoma does not increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

Who can develop a fibroadenoma?

Fibroadenomas often develop during puberty so are mostly found in young women, but they can occur in women of any age. Men can also get fibroadenomas, but this is very rare.

What causes fibroadenoma?

The cause of fibroadenomas is unknown, but they might be related to reproductive hormones. Fibroadenomas occur more often during your reproductive years and can become bigger during pregnancy or with use of hormone therapy.

What are the common symptoms?

A fibroadenoma is usually felt as a lump in the breast that has a rubbery texture, is smooth to the touch and moves quite easily under the skin. Usually fibroadenomas are painless, but sometimes they may feel tender or even painful, particularly just before a period.

How are fibroadenomas diagnosed?

Some fibroadenomas can be felt, whereas some are only found on an imaging test (like a mammogram or ultrasound). A biopsy (taking out breast tissue to check it in the lab) is required to know if a lump is a fibroadenoma or some other problem.

How can
fibroadenomas be treated?

Previously there were only two ways; watchful waiting or surgical excision.
Now, a third less invasive option called Thermal ablation is available.

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